Friday, July 16, 2010

Sea of Galilee and Capernaum

I'm Back! The last ten days have been a blast! We visited almost everything there is to see in northern Israel! The feeling in Galilee is different from everywhere else--it's a lot more calm and relaxing than Jerusalem for starters. Some of my most spiritual experiences thus far were in Galilee.
What makes that area unique is that we know exactly where Christ performed many of his miracles and where He walked. In this first pic, for example, the black stone i'm touching was the step entering the Synagogue of Capernaum. Christ would have used that step. The next picture is inside the Synagogue. It was right next to Peter's house and served as the headquarters for Christ's ministry. In this synagogue he made his first public announcement that He was the Son of God. This is when the Pharisees flipped out and because of it Christ cursed it when He left for Jerusalem. Many other miracles were performed right here!
The place we stayed at (Ein Gev, David would have stayed there too I think) was right on the edge of the water. It's a lot like Bear Lake and I went swimming almost everyday. My back is darker than it has been since 6th grade! The sunsets were amazing and I took advantage of watching them every night. It's pretty impressive when you think about all that happened on that water: Miracle of the Fish, Christ walking on water, Christ calming the winds, etc. It's a place I spent a lot of time.

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