Wednesday, May 12, 2010


On Monday we had a field trip into the West Bank to see Jericho-the oldest city on Earth. It is an oasis city in the middle of the Judean Wilderness, which is code word for desert. The wall that can be seen in the picture below is believed to be the wall that fell when Joshua marched around it with the Israelites. The other picture is the base of a tower that was found under that wall, meaning it is a lot older than the wall. In fact, it is the oldest structure in existence, dating back 10, 000 years. That's old! I know that's contradictory to what some people think possible, but either way, it's an old building. Tomorrow I head out to Egypt for 8 days! If I don't drink the water, eat the food, breath the air, or touch anything, I'm told I may not get sick. I'm pretty sure my Shallenberger stomach can handle it though! Actually, never mind, looking back, that may be our weakness...haha...I better just not eat anything. :)

1 comment:

Dave said...

Don't listen to their feeble warnings about Egypt. I ate at some mom/pop restaurant down the street from the national museum and it was delicious and cheap. Everyone went for boat rides up and down the Nile where they say "DON'T TOUCH THE WATER OR YOUR HAND WILL FALL OFF!!" So of course, I cast their words of warning to the side and me and another guy dunked our heads in the water as we were cruising through the water. Someone later said they saw a dead cow floating upside down in the Nile. If you go to Luxor--make sure to rent some bikes and cruise around the city with a group of people---loads of fun!!